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Type of publication:Inproceedings
Entered by:ichatz
TitleA Peer-to-Peer Framework for Globally-Available Sensor Networks and its Application in Building Management
Bibtex cite IDRACTI-RU1-2009-12
Booktitle 2nd International Workshop on Sensor Network Engineering (IWSNE 2009)
Series 5th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Distributed Computing I
Year published 2009
Month June
Location Marina Del Rey, CA, USA
In this work we present the architecture and implementation of WebDust, a software platform for managing multiple, heterogeneous (both in terms of software and hardware), geographically disparate sensor networks. We describe in detail the main concepts behind its design, and basic aspects of its implementation, including the services provided to end-users and developers. WebDust uses a peer-to-peer substrate, based on JXTA, in order to unify multiple sensor networks installed in various geographic areas. We aim at providing a software framework that will permit developers to deal with the new and critical aspects that networks of sensors and tiny devices bring into global computing, and to provide a coherent set of high level services, design rules and technical recommendations, in order to be able to develop the envisioned applications of global sensor networks. Furthermore, we give an overview of a deployed distributed testbed, consisting of a total 56 nodes and describing in more detail two specific testbed sites and the integration of the related software and hardware technologies used for its operation with our platform. Finally, we describe the design and implementation of an interface option provided to end-users, based on the popular Google Earth application.
Chatzigiannakis, Ioannis
Koninis, Christos
Mylonas, Georgios
Colesanti, Ugo
Vitaletti, Andrea
aeolus-dcoss-2009.pdf (main file)
Publication ID566