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Type of publication:Inproceedings
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TitleSearchius: A Collaborative Search Engine
Bibtex cite IDRACTI-RU1-2007-43
Booktitle 8th International Conference on Current Trends in Computer Science
Year published 2007
Pages 88-98
Publisher IEEE Computer Science Press
Organization ENC 2007
Searchius is a collaborative search engine that produces search results based solely on user provided web-related data. We discuss the architecture of this system and how it compares to current state-of-the-art search engines. We show that the global users¢ preference over pages can be efficiently used as a metric of page quality, and that the inherent organization of the collected data can be used to discover related URLs. We also conduct an extensive experimental study, based on the web related data of 36483 users, to analyze the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of user collected URL collections, to investigate how well the users URL collections cover the web and discover the characteristics that affect the quality of the search results under the proposed setting.
Papagelis, Athanasios
Zaroliagis, Christos
C50-ENC2007-searchius.pdf (main file)
Publication ID105