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Type of publication:Inproceedings
Entered by:mylonas
TitleManaging Smartphone Crowdsensing Campaigns through the Organicity Smart City Platform
Bibtex cite IDRACTI-RU1-2016-1
Booktitle UbiComp Adjunct 2016
Year published 2016
Month September
Organization 2016 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp 2016)
Location Heidelberg, Germany
We briefly present the design and architecture of a system that aims to simplify the process of organizing, executing and administering crowdsensing campaigns in a smart city context over smartphones volunteered by citizens. We built our system on top of an Android app substrate on the end-user level, which enables us to utilize smartphone resources. Our system allows researchers and other developers to manage and distribute their “mini” smart city applications, gather data and publish their results through the Organicity smart city platform. We believe this is the first time such a tool is paired with a large scale IoT infrastructure, to enable truly city-scale IoT and smart city experimentation.
Amaxilatis, Dimitrios
Lagoudianakis, Evangelos
Mylonas, Georgios
Theodoridis, Evangelos
Publication ID1086