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Type of publication:Article
Entered by:mylonas
TitleCo-Creating the Cities of the Future
Bibtex cite IDRACTI-RU1-2016-3
Journal MDPI Sensors
Year published 2016
Month November
In recent years, the evolution of urban environments, jointly with the progress of the Information and Communication sector, have enabled the rapid adoption of new solutions that contribute to the growth in popularity of Smart Cities. Currently, the majority of the world population lives in cities encouraging different stakeholders within these innovative ecosystems to seek new solutions guaranteeing the sustainability and efficiency of such complex environments. In this work, it is discussed how the experimentation with IoT technologies and other data sources form the cities can be utilized to co-create in the OrganiCity project, where key actors like citizens, researchers and other stakeholders shape smart city services and applications in a collaborative fashion. Furthermore, a novel architecture is proposed that enables this organic growth of the future cities, facilitating the experimentation that tailors the adoption of new technologies and services for a better quality of life, as well as agile and dynamic mechanisms for managing cities. In this work, the different components and enablers of the OrganiCity platform are presented and discussed in detail and include, among others, a portal to manage the experiment life cycle, an Urban Data Observatory to explore data assets, and an annotations component to indicate quality of data, with a particular focus on the city-scale opportunistic data collection service operating as an alternative to traditional communications.
Gutierrez Polidura, Veronica
Theodoridis, Evangelos
Mylonas, Georgios
Shi, Fengrui
Adeel, Usman
Diez, Luis
Amaxilatis, Dimitrios
Choque, Johnny
Camprodon, Guillem
McCann, Julie
Munoz, Luis
sensors-16-01971.pdf (main file)
Publication ID1088