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Type of publication:Inproceedings
Entered by:mylonas
TitleAddressing Behavioral Change towards Energy Efficiency in European Educational Buildings
Bibtex cite IDRACTI-RU1-2017-21
Booktitle Global Internet of Things Summit 2017
Year published 2017
Month June
Pages 285-290
Publisher IEEE
Organization IEEE
Location Geneva
Energy consumption reserves a large portion of the budget for school buildings. At the same time, the students that use such facilities are the adults of the years to come and thus, should they embrace energy-aware behaviors, then sustainable results with respect to energy efficiency are anticipated. GAIA is a research project targeting this user domain, proposing a set of applications that a) aims at raising awareness, prompting action and fostering engagement in energy efficiency enhancement, and b) is adaptable to the needs of each facility/community. This application set relies on an IoT sensing infrastructure, as well as on the use of humans as sensors to create situational awareness.
Mylonas, Georgios
Amaxilatis, Dimitrios
Leligou, Helen
Zahariadis, Theodore
Hofstaetter, Joerg
Friedl, Andreas
Paganelli, Federica
Cuffaro, Giovanni
Lerch, Jimm
Publication ID1176