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Type of publication:Misc
Entered by:mylonas
TitleUsing IoT in the Classroom Towards Energy Savings and Sustainability Awareness
Bibtex cite IDRACTI-RU1-2019-9
Year published 2019
Month July
How published IEEE IoT Newsletter - July 2019
The Internet of Things (IoT) and smart cities are two of the most popular directions the research community is pursuing very actively. But although we have made great progress in many fields, we are still trying to figure out how we can utilize our smart city and IoT infrastructures, in order to produce reliable, economically sustainable solutions that create public value, and even more so in the field of education. GAIA1, a Horizon2020 EC-funded project, has developed an IoT infrastructure across school buildings in Europe. Its primary aim has been to raise awareness about energy consumption and sustainability, based on real-world sensor data produced inside the school buildings where students and teachers live and work. Today's students are the citizens of tomorrow, and they should have the skills to understand and respond to challenges like climate change. Currently, 25 educational building sites participate in GAIA, located in Sweden, Italy, and Greece. An IoT infrastructure [1] is installed in these buildings, monitoring in real-time their power consumption, as well as several indoor and outdoor environmental parameters.
Mylonas, Georgios
Paganelli, Federica
Koulouris, Pavlos
Hofstaetter, Joerg
Leligou, Helen
Publication ID1282