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Type of publication:Article
Entered by:chita
TitleStation layouts in the presence of location constraints
Bibtex cite IDRACTI-RU1-2002-1
Journal Journal of Interconnection Networks
Year published 2002
Volume 3
Number 1&2
Pages 1-17
Keywords Approximation algorithm,Broadcast Station,Health hazards,Optimal Layout,Wireless Communication
In wireless communication, the signal of a typical broadcast station is transmittes from a broadvast center p and reaches objects at a distance,say , r from it. In addition there is a radius ro, ro < r, such that the signal originating from the center p should be avoided. In other words, points within distance ro from the station compise a hazardous zone. We consider the following station layout problem: Cover a given planar region that includes a collection of buildings with a minimum number of astations so that every point in the region is within the reach of a station, while at the same time no interior point of any building is within the hazardous zone of a station. We give algorithms for computing such station layouts in both the one- and two - dimensional cases
Bose, P
Kaklamanis, Christos
Kirousis, Lefteris
Kranakis, Evangelos
Krizanc, Danny
Peleg, D
j9.pdf (main file)
Publication ID183