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Type of publication:Article
Entered by:chita
TitleA Comparison of Centralized and Distributed Meta-Scheduling Architectures for Computation and Communication Tasks in Grid Networks
Bibtex cite IDRACTI-RU1-2009-126
Journal Computer Communications
Year published 2009
Month May
Volume 32
Number 7-10
Pages 1172-1184
The management of Grid resources requires scheduling of both computation and communication tasks at various levels. In this study, we consider the two constituent sub-problems of Grid scheduling, namely: (i) the scheduling of computation tasks to processing resources and (ii) the routing and scheduling of the data movement in a Grid network. Regarding computation tasks, we examine two typical online task scheduling algorithms that employ advance reservations and perform full network simulation experiments to measure their performance when implemented in a centralized or distributed manner. Similarly, for communication tasks, we compare two routing and data scheduling algorithms that are implemented in a centralized or a distributed manner. We examine the effect network propagation delay has on the performance of these algorithms. Our simulation results indicate that a distributed architecture with an exhaustive resource utilization update strategy yields better average end-to-end delay performance than a centralized architecture.
Christodoulopoulos, Konstantinos
Sourlas, Vasileios
Mpakolas, I
Varvarigos, Emmanouel
Publication ID456