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Type of publication:Inproceedings
Entered by:chita
TitleBurst Assembly Policies for Latency Reduction in Optical Burst-Switched Networks Based on Predictions
Bibtex cite IDRACTI-RU1-2008-57
Booktitle IEEE 7th International Conference on Networking (ICN 2008)
Year published 2008
Month April
Pages 656-662
Organization ICN 2008
Location Cancun, Mexico
We propose and evaluate fast reservation (FR) protocols for Optical Burst Switched (OBS) networks. The proposed reservation schemes aim at reducing the end-to-end delay of a data burst, by sending the Burst Header Packet (BHP) in the core network before the burst assembly is completed at the ingress node. We use linear prediction filters to estimate the expected length of the burst and the time needed for the burstification process to complete. A BHP packet carrying these estimates is sent before burst completion, in order to reserve bandwidth at each intermediate node for the time interval the burst is expected to pass from that node. Reducing the total time needed for a packet to be transported over an OBS network is important, especially for real-time applications. Reserving bandwidth only for the time interval it is actual going to be used by a burst is important for network utilization efficiency. In the simulations conducted we evaluate the proposed extensions and prove their usefulness.
Seklou, K
Varvarigos, Emmanouel
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Publication ID508