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Type of publication:Article
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TitleAnalysis of approximation algorithms for k-set cover using factor-revealing linear programs
Bibtex cite IDRACTI-RU1-2007-116
Journal Theory of Computing Systems
Year published 2007
Month August
Volume 4639/2007
Pages 52-63
Note to appear
DOI 10.1007/978-3-540-74240-1_6
We present new combinatorial approximation algorithms for k-set cover. Previous approaches are based on extending the greedy algorithm by efficiently handling small sets. The new algorithms further extend them by utilizing the natural idea of computing large packings of elements into sets of large size. Our results improve the previously best approximation bounds for the k-set cover problem for all values of k ≥ 6. The analysis technique could be of independent interest; the upper bound on the approximation factor is obtained by bounding the objective value of a factor-revealing linear program.
Athanassopoulos, Stavros
Caragiannis, Ioannis
Kaklamanis, Christos
fulltext.pdf (main file)
Publication ID533