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Type of publication:Inproceedings
Entered by:ichatz
TitleWSNGE: A Platform for Simulating Complex Wireless Sensor Networks Supporting Rich Network Visualization and Online Interactivity
Bibtex cite IDRACTI-RU1-2009-10
Booktitle 42nd Annual ACM/IEEE Simulation Symposium (ANSS'09)
Year published 2009
Month March
Address San Diego, CA, USA
In this paper we describe a new simulation platform for complex wireless sensor networks that operate a collection of distributed algorithms and network protocols. Simulating such systems is complicated because of the need to coordinate different network layers and debug protocol stacks, often with very different interfaces, options, and fidelities. Our platform (which we call WSNGE) is a flexible and extensible environment that provides a highly scalable simulator with unique characteristics. It focuses on user friendliness, providing every function in both scriptable and visual way, allowing the researcher to define simulations and view results in an easy to use graphical environment. Unlike other solutions, WSNGE does not distinguish between different scenario types, allowing multiple different protocols to run at the same time. It enables rich online interaction with running simulations, allowing parameters, topologies or the whole scenario to be altered at any point in time.
Karagiannis, Marios
Chatzigiannakis, Ioannis
Rolim, Jose
anss09.pdf (main file)
Publication ID564