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Type of publication:Article
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TitlePacket-Format and Network-Traffic Transparent Optical Signal Processing
Bibtex cite IDRACTI-RU1-2004-54
Journal Journal of Lightwave Technology
Year published 2004
Month November
Volume 22
Number 11
Pages 2548-2556
DOI 10.1109/jlt.2004.836766
Keywords Asynchronous optical packets,burst traffic,optical packet switching,transparent all-optical signal processing,ultrafast nonlinear interferometer (UNI),variable length optical packets
In this paper, we demonstrate optical transparency in packet formatting and network traffic offered by all-optical switching devices. Exploiting the bitwise processing capabilities of these “optical transistors,” simple optical circuits are designed verifying the independency to packet length, synchronization and packet-to-packet power fluctuations. Devices with these attributes are key elements for achieving network flexibility, fine granularity and efficient bandwidth-on-demand use. To this end, a header/payload separation circuit operating with IP-like packets, a clock and data recovery circuit handling asynchronous packets and a burst-mode receiver for bursty traffic are presented. These network subsystems can find application in future high capacity data-centric photonic packet switched networks.
Kehayas, E.
Kanellos, T
Stampoulidis, L.
Tsiokos, D
Pleros, N.
Guekos, G.
JLT_Metro.pdf (main file)
Publication ID584