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Type of publication:Article
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TitleAll-Optical Signal Processing and Applications Within the Esprit Project DO_ALL
Bibtex cite IDRACTI-RU1-2005-63
Journal Journal of Lightwave Technology
Year published 2005
Month February
Volume 23
Number 2
Pages 781-801
DOI 10.1109/jlt.2004.838854
Keywords All-optical packet switching,all-optical signal processing,semiconductor optical amplifiers (SOAs),ultrafast nonlinear interferometer
This paper reviews the work performed under the European ESPRIT project DO_ALL (Digital OpticAL Logic modules) spanning from advanced devices (semiconductor optical amplifiers) to all-optical modules (laser sources and gates) and from optical signal processing subsystems (packet clock recovery, optical write/store memory, and linear feedback shift register) to their integration in the application level for the demonstration of nontrivial logic functionality (all-optical bit-error-rate tester and a 2 2 exchange–bypass switch). The successful accomplishment of the project¢s goals has opened the road for the implementation of more complex ultra-high-speed all-optical signal processing circuits that are key elements for the realization of all-optical packet switching networks.
Houbavlis, T.
Zoiros, K.E.
Kalyvas, M
Theophilopoulos, G
Bintjas, C
Yiannopoulos, K.
Pleros, N.
Vlachos, Kyriakos
Avramopoulos, Hercules
Schares, L.
Occhi, L.
Guekos, G.
Taylor, J. R.
Hansmann, S.
Miller, W.
DO_ALL_jlt.pdf (main file)
Publication ID590