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Type of publication:Inproceedings
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TitleSelf-Organization and Volunteering: Engineering in Very Large Scale Sharing Networks
Bibtex cite IDRACTI-RU1-2004-66
Booktitle International Workshop on Self-Properties in Complex Information Systems
Year published 2004
Month May
Our position is that a key to research efforts on ensuring high performance in very large scale sharing networks is the idea of volunteering; recognizing that such networks are comprised of largely heterogeneous nodes in terms of their capacity and behaviour, and that, in many real-world manifestations, a few nodes carry the bulk of the request service load. In this paper we outline how we employ volunteering as the basic idea using which we develop altruism-endowed self-organizing sharing networks to help solve two open problems in large-scale peer-topeer networks: (i) to develop an overlay topology structure that enjoys better performance than DHT-structured networks and, specifically, to offer O(log log N) routing performance in a network of N nodes, instead of O(log N), and (ii) to efficiently process complex queries and range queries, in particular.
Triantafillou, Peter
triantafillou.pdf (main file)
Publication ID615