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Type of publication:Inbook
Entered by:PNP
TitleComputational Game Theory: An Introduction
Bibtex cite IDRACTI-RU1-2009-23
Series CRC Applied Algorithms and Data Structures series
Year published 2009
Edition 2nd
Chapter Chapter 22 of Algorithms and Theory of Computation Handbook
Publisher CRC Press
Address USA
This chapter is an introduction to the basic concepts and advances of a new field, that of Computational (or Algorithmic) Game Theory. We study the computational complexity of Nash equilibria and review the related algorithms proposed in the literature. Then, given the apparent difficulty of computing exact Nash equilibria, we study the efficient computation of approximate notions of Nash equilibria. Next we deal with several computational issues related to the class of congestion games, which model the selfish behavior of individuals when competing on the usage of a common set of resources. Finally, we study the price of anarchy (in the context of congestion games), which is defined as a measure of the performance degradation due to the the lack of coordination among the involved players.
Spirakis, Paul
Panagopoulou, Panagiota
cgt.pdf (main file)
Publication ID666