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Type of publication:Inbook
Entered by:chita
TitleGeographic Routing of Sensor Data around Voids and Obstacles
Bibtex cite IDRACTI-RU1-2009-45
Year published 2009
Chapter in the book "Intelligent Techniques for Warehousing and Mining Sensor Network Data"
Note to appear
Keywords sensor networks,routing,obstacle avoidance,distributed algorithms,data management
Geographic routing is becoming the protocol of choice for many sensor network applications. Some very efficient geographic routing algorithms exist, however they require a preliminary planarization of the communication graph. Planarization induces overhead which makes this approach not optimal when lightweight protocols are required. On the other hand, georouting algorithms which do not rely on planarization have fairly low success rates and either fail to route messages around all but the simplest obstacles or have a high topology control overhead (e.g. contour detection algorithms). In this entry we describe the GRIC algorithm which was designed to overcome some of those limitations. The GRIC algorithm was proposed in [PN07a]. It is the first lightweight and efficient on demand (i.e. all-to-all) geographic routing algorithm which does not require planarization, has almost 100% delivery rates (when no obstacles are added), and behaves well in the presence of large communication blocking obstacles.
Nikoletseas, Sotiris
Powell, Olivier
Rolim, Jose
Geographic_Routing_of_Sensor_Data_around_Voids_and_Obstacles.pdf (main file)
Publication ID690