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Type of publication:Inproceedings
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TitleTimetable Information Updating in Case of Delays: Modeling Issues
Bibtex cite IDRACTI-RU1-2008-83
Year published 2008
Month January
The timetable information problem can be solved by computing shortest paths in special graphs built from timetable data. In general, two models exist: the time-dependent and time-expanded network. In a recent work, both models are compared with respect to advantages and disadvantages on a theoretical and a practical framework. In addition, an extensive experimental evaluation reveals further differences with respect to query performance. However, delays which occur very frequently in railway systems are not covered. In this work, we show how the time-dependent and the time-expanded models should be updated in order to capture delays. It turns out that delays can be incorporated in the time-dependent model without changing the topology of the network. This is not true for the time-expanded model, whose updating involves a (sometimes large) sequence of edge insertions, deletions, and cost modifications.
Delling, Daniel
Giannakopoulou, Kalliopi
Wagner, Dorothea
Zaroliagis, Christos
Delling.pdf (main file)
Publication ID748