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Type of publication:Inproceedings
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TitleDeveloping Scheduling Policies in gLite Middleware
Bibtex cite IDRACTI-RU1-2009-95
Booktitle 9th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid, CCGRID 2009
Year published 2009
Pages 20-27
Publisher IEEE Computer Society
We describe our experiences from implementing and integrating a new job scheduling algorithm in the gLite Grid middleware and present experimental results that compare it to the existing gLite scheduling algorithms. It is the first time that gLite scheduling algorithms are put under test and compared with a new algorithm under the same conditions. We describe the problems that were encountered and solved, going from theory and simulations to practice and the actual implementation of our scheduling algorithm. In this work we also describe the steps one needs to follow in order to develop and test a new scheduling algorithm in gLite. We present the methodology followed and the testbed that was set up for the comparisons. Our research sheds light on some of the problems of the existing gLite scheduling algorithms and makes clear the need for the development of new.
Kretsis, Aristotelis
Kokkinos, Panagiotis
Varvarigos, Emmanouel
3622a020.pdf (main file)
Publication ID762