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Type of publication:Mastersthesis
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TitleEfficient Data Collection Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks
Bibtex cite IDRACTI-RU1-2010-69
Year published 2010
Month November
School Computer Engineering and Informatics Department , University of Patras
Keywords Population protocols,Finite-state agents,Diffuse computation,Intermittent communication,Mediator
In this thesis we investigate the problems of data routing and data collection in wireless sensor networks characterised by intense and higly diverse mobility. We propose a set of protocols that takes exploits the motion of the sensors in order to inform the sink about the network topology. We experimentally evaluate these protocolls in a wide range of topologies, including both homogeneous and heterogeneous ones. We also investigate random walks as simple motion strategies for mobile sinks that perform data collection from static WSN's. We propose three new random walks that improve latency compared to already known ones, as well as a new metric called Proximity Variation. This metric captures the different way each random walks traverses the network area.
Angelopoulos, Constantinos Marios
master thesis.pdf (main file)
Publication ID846