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Type of publication:Inproceedings
Entered by:chita
TitleClose-to-optimal Energy Balanced Data Propagation via Limited, Local Network Density Information
Bibtex cite IDRACTI-RU1-2011-68
Booktitle 14th ACM International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems
Year published 2011
Publisher ACM Press
Organization MSWiM 2011
We study the problem of energy-balanced data propagation in wireless sensor networks. The energy balance property is crucial for maximizing the time the network is functional, by avoiding early energy depletion of a large portion of sensors. We propose a distributed, adaptive data propagation algorithm that exploits limited, local network density information for achieving energy-balance while at the same time minimizing energy dissipation. We investigate both uniform and heterogeneous sensor placement distributions. By a detailed experimental evaluation and comparison with well-known energy-balanced protocols, we show that our density-based protocol improves energy efficiency signi cantly while also having better energy balance properties. Furthermore, we compare the performance of our protocol with a centralized, o -line optimum solution derived by a linear program which maximizes the network lifetime and show that it achieves near-optimal performance for uniform sensor deployments.
Boukerche, Azzedine
Efstathiou, Dionysios
Nikoletseas, Sotiris
Raptopoulos, Christoforos
MSWiM11.pdf (main file)
Publication ID922