research unit 1

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Titles (2)Keywords (1)Abstracts (9)
[RACTI-RU1-2006-79] Efraimidis, Pavlos and Spirakis, Paul, Approximation schemes for scheduling and covering on unrelated machines, in: Theoretical Computer Science (TCS), volume 359, number 1-3, pages 400-417, ISSN 0304-3975, 2006.
[RACTI-RU1-2006-9] Bender, Matthias, Michel, Sebastian, Ntarmos, Nikos, Triantafillou, Peter, Weikum, Gerhard and Zimmer, Christian, Discovering and Exploiting Keyword and Attribute-Value Co-occurrences to Improve P2P Routing Indices, in: 15th ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 2006), 2006.