research unit 1

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Titles (2)Keywords (1)Abstracts (4)
[RACTI-RU1-2014-23] Diaz, Josep, Goldberg, L. A., Mertzios, George, Richerby, D., Serna, Maria and Spirakis, Paul, Approximating Fixation Probabilities in the Generalized Moran Process, in: Algorithmica, volume 69, number 1, 2014.
[RACTI-RU1-2018-14] Melissourgos, Themistoklis, Spirakis, Paul, Raptopoulos, Christoforos and Nikoletseas, Sotiris, Mutants and Residents with Di erent Connection Graphs in the Moran Process, in: LATIN 2018 proceedings, 2018.