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Type of publication:Article
Entered by:mylonas
TitleA Model for Obstacles to be used in Simulations of Wireless Sensor Networks and its Application in studying Routing Protocol Performance
Bibtex cite IDRACTI-RU1-2007-20
Journal SCS Simulation: Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International
Year published 2007
Month August
Volume 83
Number 8
Pages 587-608
DOI 10.1177/0037549707082330
Keywords Sensor networks,obstacles,modeling,environment,deployment,routing,performance,
We propose a simple obstacle model to be used while simulating wireless sensor networks. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time such an integrated and systematic obstacle model for these networks has been proposed. We define several types of obstacles that can be found inside the deployment area of a wireless sensor network and provide a categorization of these obstacles based on their nature (physical and communication obstacles, i.e. obstacles that are formed out of node distribution patterns or have physical presence, respectively), their shape and their change of nature over time. We make an eXtension to a custom-made sensor network simulator (simDust) and conduct a number of simulations in order to study the effect of obstacles on the performance of some representative (in terms of their logic) data propagation protocols for wireless sensor networks. Our findings confirm that obstacle presence has a significant impact on protocol performance, and also that different obstacle shapes and sizes may affect each protocol in different ways. This provides an insight into how a routing protocol will perform in the presence of obstacles and highlights possible protocol shortcomings. Moreover, our results show that the effect of obstacles is not directly related to the density of a sensor network, and cannot be emulated only by changing the network density.
Chatzigiannakis, Ioannis
Mylonas, Georgios
Nikoletseas, Sotiris
scs07ichatz.pdf (main file)
Short description of problem, previous work and result
Publication ID27