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Type of publication:Article
Entered by:mylonas
TitleAn Educational IoT Lab Kit and Tools for Energy Awareness in European Schools
Bibtex cite IDRACTI-RU1-2019-1
Journal International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction
Year published 2019
Month June
Volume 20
Pages 43-53
DOI 10.1016/j.ijcci.2019.03.003
Keywords Internet of things,Energy awareness,Gamification,Empirical studies,Sustainability,Augmented reality
The use of maker community tools and IoT technologies inside classrooms is spreading to an ever-increasing number of education and science fields. GAIA is a European research project focused on achieving behavior change for sustainability and energy awareness in schools. In this work, we report on how a large IoT deployment in a number of educational buildings and real-world data from this infrastructure, are utilized to support a “maker” lab kit activity inside the classroom. We also provide some insights to the integration of these activities in the school curriculum, along with a discussion on feedback produced through a series of workshop activities in a number of schools in Greece. Moreover, we discuss the application of the lab kit framework towards implementing an interactive installation. We also report on how the lab kit is paired with a serious game and an augmented reality app for smartphones and tablets, supporting the in-class activities. Our initial evaluation results show a very positive first reaction by the school community.
Mylonas, Georgios
Amaxilatis, Dimitrios
Pocero, Lidia
Markelis, Iraklis
Hofstaetter, Joerg
Koulouris, Pavlos
Publication ID1273