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Type of publication:Article
Entered by:chita
TitleA Dynamic Impairment-Aware Networking Solution for Transparent Mesh Optical Networks
Bibtex cite IDRACTI-RU1-2009-62
Journal IEEE Communications Magazine
Year published 2009
Month May
Volume 47
Number 5
Pages 38-47
Core networks of the future will have a translucent and eventually transparent optical structure. Ultra-high-speed end-to-end connectiv- ity with high quality of service and high reliability will be realized through the exploitation of opti- mized protocols and lightpath routing algorithms. These algorithms will complement a flexible con- trol and management plane integrated in the proposed solution. Physical layer impairments and optical performance are monitored and incorporated in impairment-aware lightpath rout- ing algorithms. These algorithms will be integrat- ed into a novel dynamic network planning tool that will consider dynamic traffic characteristics, a reconfigurable optical layer, and varying physi- cal impairment and component characteristics. The network planning tool along with extended control planes will make it possible to realize the vision of optical transparency. This article pre- sents a novel framework that addresses dynamic cross-layer network planning and optimization while considering the development of a future transport network infrastructure.
Azodolmolky, Siamak
Klonidis, Dimitris
Tomkos, Ioannis
Ye, Yabin
Saradhi, Chava Vijaya
Salvadori, Eliot
Gunkel, Matthias
Manousakis, Kostas
Vlachos, Kyriakos
Varvarigos, Emmanouel
Nejabati, Reza
Simeonidou, Dimitra
Eiselt, Michael
Comellas, Jaume
Sole-Pareta, Josep
Simonneau, Christian
Bayart, Dominique
Staessens, Dimitri
Colle, Didier
Pickavet, Mario
CommMag - DICONET.pdf (main file)
Publication ID707