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Type of publication:Article
Entered by:chita
TitleA Virtual One-Way Signaling Protocol With Aggressive Resource Reservation for Improving Burst Transmission Delay
Bibtex cite IDRACTI-RU1-2009-65
Journal Journal of Lightwave Technology
Year published 2009
Month July
Volume 27
Number 14
Pages 2869-2875
Keywords Least means quarefilter,one-waysignaling,op- ticalburstswitching (OBS)
In this paper,we propose a new scheme for the on demand use of capacity in OBS networks, combining a two-way reservation protocol and an assembly scheme process that incorporates an aggressive and forward resource reservation mechanism.The key idea is to tune the assembly timer to be equal to the time associated with the establishment of the end-to-endconnection (round-trip-time) and, thus, synchronize the resource reservation with the assembly process. In this way, upon the arrival of the first packet in the queue, reservation of resources may start simultaneously based on an aggressive prediction of the burst length.
Vlachos, Kyriakos
Monoyios, Demetris
JLT - A Virtual One-Way Signaling Protocol With Aggressive Resource Reservation for Improving Burst Transmission Delay.pdf (main file)
Publication ID710