research unit 1

This site is powered by Aigaion - A PHP/Web based management system for shared and annotated bibliographies. For more information visit


Aigaion supports the use of themes, you can select it on your 'profile' page. If you don't like the standard themes, feel free to create one yourself. Here is how to do it:
  • Create a directory where the theme-files will be stored, below the '/themes/' directory.
  • Copy the themes/darkdefault/css/ and themes/darkdefault/icons/ directories to that theme directory. You end up with the following directory structure:
                            [all style files]
                            [all icons]
  • You can then start modifying the icons and the styles. Make sure that all icons exist, Aigaion does not have anything like a fallback strategy for missing icons, nor is such a thing planned for the future.
Note that the personal configuration forms will automatically pick up the new theme as an option.

If you do not have access to the webserver yourself, create the theme and kindly ask your system administrator (Efi Chita) to place it in the directory mentioned above.