Thesis | Books | Journals | Conferences | Reports | Invitations

Books of international circulation

  1. Editor & co-author of the book "Lectures on Parallel Computation" In Cambridge University Press, 1993 (with A. Gibbons)
  2. Co-author of the book "Paradigms in Parallel Approximability" with J. Diaz, M. Serna and J. Toran, Cambridge Univ. Press, April 1997
  3. Co-author of the book "New Models for Population Protocols" with O.Michail and I. Chatzigiannakis , Synthesis Lectures on Distributed Computing Theory ,Morgan and Claypool Publishers , Feb. 2011.

Chapters in Books of international circulation

  1. Book: Approximation and Complexity in Numerical Optimization Kluwer, P. Pardalos (ed.) 2000, chapter: Machine Partitioning and Scheduling under Fault-Tolerance Constraints with D. Fotakis
  2. Book: Handbook on Randomization, Kluwer Chapter: Randomised Techniques for Modeling faults and achieving Robust Computing" Kluwer Acad. Publ. Vol. 1 , pp 313-399 S. Rajasekaran, P. Pardalos and J. Reif (eds) Summer 2001 with S. Nikoletseas
  3. Book: Experimental Algorithmics, Editors R. Fleischer, E. Meineche Schmidt, B. Moret, chapter: 10 . Distributed Algorithms Engineering. with C. Zaroliaghis.
  4. Book: Current Trends in Theoretical Computer Science (The Challenge of the New Century) Vol. 1: Algorithms and Complexity Publisher: WorldScientific eds: G. Paun, G. Rosenberg, A. Salomaa Chapter: Distributed Communication Algorithms for Ad-Hoc Mobile Networks Summer 2004,ISBN 981-238-966-0, pp 337-372, 2004. with S. Nikoletseas and Y. Chatzigiannakis
  5. Book: Handbook of Algorithms and Protocols for wireless and mobile networks. Publisher: Wiley Chapter: Distributed algorithms for some fundamental problems in ad-hoc mobile environments, a critical survey. (Chapter 7) appeared: 2005, Wiley, Ch 7, pp 121-161, 2005. with S. Nikoletseas
  6. Book: Self-star Properties in Complex Information Systems. Publisher: Springer-Verlag, LNCS volume 3460/2005 Chapter: Evolutionary games: an algorithmic approach To appear: 2005 with: S. Kontogiannis eds: O. Babaoglu, M. Jelasity et al.
  7. Book: New Trends in Parallel and Distributed Computing.Publisher: HNI-VERLAGSSCHRIFTENREIHE , Band 181. Chapter:Algorithmic issues in Coalitional and Dynamic Network Games. January 2006. with D. Fotakis , S. Kontogiannis , P. Panagopoulou and C. Raptopoulos.
  8. Book: Dagstuhl Volume 05361 "Algorithmic Aspects of Large and Complex Networks ( chapter : A Cost Mechanism for Fair Pricing of Resource Usage, with M. Mavronicolas and P. Panagopoulou , April 2006.
  9. Book: Handbook of Approximation , Algorithms and Metaheuristics. Editor : Theofilo Gonzalez. Chapter: Randomized Approximation Algorithms, with S. Nikoletseas. June 2007. Chapman and Hall , CRC.
  10. Book: Handbook of Parallel Computing : Models , Algorithms and Applications. Editors: S. Rajasekaran and J. Reif. Chapter: No 20. Atomic Selfish Routing in Networks : A survey. Coauthor: S. Kontogiannis. Chapman and Hall , CRC Computer and Information Science Series. Taylor and Francis , January 2008.
  11. Book: Handbook of Applied Algorithms: Solving Scientific, Engineering and Practical Problems. Editors: A. Nayak and I. Stojmenovic , John Wiley and Sons.Chapter: Algorithmic Game Theory. Coauthors : M. Mavronicolas and V. G. Papadopoulou. January 2008.
  12. Book: Algorithms and Theory of Computation Handbook : Special Topics and Techniques. 2nd Edition, M. Atallah and M. Blanton Editors, CRC Press , Chapman and Hall , 2010 . Chapter 21 : Computational Game Theory , An Introduction. Authors : Paul G. Spirakis and Panagiota N. Panagopoulou
  13. Book: Theoretical Aspects of Distributed Computing in Sensor Networks, Springer ,S. Mikoletseas and J. Rolim Eds , Chapter 5: Population Protocols and Related Models. Single author Paul G. Spirakis , 2011.
  14. Book : Theoretical Aspects of Distributed Computing in Sensor Networks , Springer, S. Nikoletseas and J. Rolim Eds, Chapter 12 : Probabilistic Data Propagation in Wireless Sensor Networks . Authors : S. Nikoletseas and paul G. Spirakis , 2011.
  15. Book : Next Generation Society : Technological and Legal Issues. Springer , Sideridis editors, Chapter : The impact of the Web and political balance to e-democracy . Authors: Ch. Manolopoulos, R. Efstathiadou and P. Spirakis , 2010.
  16. Book : Computational Network Theory. Wiley 2015. M.Demmer et al Editors. Chapter : Computing in Dynamic Networks. Authors : Othon Michail , Ioannis Chatzigiannakis , Paul Spirakis.
  17. Book : Emergence , Complexity and Computation. A Festschrift for Selim Akl. Chapter : Connectivity Preserving Network Transformers. Authors : O. Michail , Paul Spirakis. Springer 2016. A. Adamatzky Ed.

Encyclopedia of Algorithms

  1. Paul Spirakis is an Area Editor and author of several Lemmata in the

Encyclopedia of Algorithms.

Books in Greek

  1. Operating Systems (Theory & Practice) (in Greek) Vol. I, Patras Univ. Publications, 1988
  2. Notes in Theory of Computing (in Greek) Patras Univ. Publications, 1988.
  3. Discrete Mathematics: The Mathematics of Computer Science (in Greek), Patras University, also Gutenberg Eds, 1993 with C. Bouras and L. Kirousis.
  4. Discrete Mathematics: Problems and Solutions (in Greek) Gutenberg Eds, 1994, with C. Bouras, L. Kirousis and A. Voutsadakis.
  5. Elements of the Probabilistic Method, with S. Nikoletseas, Gutenberg Eds, 1997.
  6. Introduction to Graphs: Theory and Problems, with Y. Stamatiou, C. Bouras, L. Kirousis, Gutenberg Eds, 1999.
  7. Operating systems principles. By P. Spirakis, Greek Open University, 2001.
  8. Algorithms, with D. Fotakis, Greek Open University, 2002.
  9. Security of Networks and Computing Systems (Dare the Intruders), with Th. Komninos, Greek Letters, 2003
  10. Modern Cryptography: A pleasant ride. With P. Nastou and Y. Stamatiu. Greek Letters, 2004.
  11. Discrete Mathematics , with problems and solutions (unified edition) Gutenberg Publishers , 2008 , with L. Kirousis , C. Bouras and G. Voutsadakis.

Book Chapters and Journal Articles in Greek

  1. "Large Scale Information Systems : Some faces of Complexity" in the "Project Management : The Greek Experience" (PROPOMPOS Publ. Ypsilantis-Syrakoylis Eds, Nov. 2005 , pp. 156-162)
  2. "To the outlet for cheap and fast Internet" Journal International and European Politics (Diethnis and Eyrwpaiki Politiki) March 2006, Vol 1, Special Issue on the Information Society , PAPAZHSH Editors , pp 61-64.
  3. "Internet and Democracy" with R. Efstathiadou and C. Manolopoulos, 2nd Conference on Electronic Democracy , Hellenic Sci. Council for the Information Society , Proceedings , March 2006.
  4. "We and our smart machines" in the VHMA ideas journal (monthly , of the Greek newspaper "To Vima"). Sept 07 2007.
  5. Book Chapter (Chapter 3 ) in the Book : Contemporary Cryptography , Theory and Applications. Eds : M. Burmester et. al. Editorial House : Papasotiriou Eds. Chapter title : Prime numbers , the discrete logarithm and factoring. Authors: P. Nastou , P. Spirakis and Y. Stamatiou.